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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 12/17/02
The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting on Monday, December 17, 2001 at the C. H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  First Selectman Rosenthal called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM

PRESENT:        First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, Selectman Joseph Bojnowski,
            Selectman William Brimmer
ALSO PRESENT: Finance Director Ben Spragg, Town Engineer Ron Bolmer, PE, Public Works Director Fred Hurley, one member of public, one member of press


COMMUNICATIONS:  First Selectman Rosenthal distributed correspondence from Pension Committee regarding their recommendations for amendments to the Plan.  The Pension Committee will attend the next Board of Selectmen meeting to discuss this and request authorization.
        Mr. Rosenthal advised that under the Federal Clean Water Act, communities with populations of 50,000 plus are required to have a plan for handling stormwater run-off from roads, parking lots, etc.  into streams and rivers.  In addition, local authorities can make any municipality of over 10,000 in population comply.  We don’t know when Newtown could be forced to comply and how much it could cost.
        Regarding the proposal for radio communications in this fiscal year budget, Mr. Rosenthal advised that the Town has asked for an extension of time to hold the new frequencies we have reserved.  In the meantime, we will be hiring a consultant to help put a plan together before spending this $1.5 million.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: Upon a motion by Selectman Bojnowski, the minutes of the 11/26/01 regular meeting and the 11/29/01 special meeting were unanimously approved as presented.


Road and Drainage Work Agreement, Toddy Hill Road, “Quarry Ridge Estates” Subdivision
Mr. Larry Edwards was present and advised that he and Mr. Gerry Cavaliere were willing to go along with the Town Engineer’s third proposal which includes placing a two-inch asphalt overlay over the entire road area which would be affected by the drainage work.  
        Selectman Brimmer moved to approve Road & Drainage Work Agreement, Toddy Hill Road, “Quarry Ridge Estates” Subdivision in the amount of $58,250.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.


Annual Presentation on Roads by Public Works Director
Public Works Director Fred Hurley distributed a 2001/2002 Road Status Report (Attachment A) showing the 31.67 miles of road was impacted during 2001/2002.  This has been the average for the past several years.  
        Mr. Hurley advised of a new procedure called “Nova Chip” which was used on Poverty Hollow this past fall.  This process seems to be preferable to the regular chip-sealing process, although it is more expensive.  The process can only be done on roads which are structurally good and has a wear life of approximately ten years as opposed to 3-4 years for chip-seal.  
        Mr. Hurley also advised that the State has surveyed the bridges in Newtown and 7-8 of our bridges need work, such as deck replacements.  It is planned to hire an engineering firm to evaluate these projects and come up with proposals so that we can put together funding requests for these projects.  

Bond Release for Soccer Field at Treadwell Park
Selectman Bojnowski moved to release bond in the amount of $100,000 for the soccer field constructed by Mr. Charles Tilson at Treadwell Park.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Road Work Acceptance, Road & Drainage Work Agreement, Parmalee Hill Road, “Daniels Hill Estates” Subdivision
Selectman Brimmer moved to accept Road Work, Road & Drainage Work Agreement, Parmalee Hill Road, “Daniels Hill Estates” Subdivision and to reduce bond from $1,800.00 to $360.00 which represents a 20% maintenance bond to be held for a period of one year.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Driveway Bond Releases/Extensions
Selectman Bojnowski moved to release three (3) driveway bonds as outlined on Attachment B.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Selectman Brimmer moved to release one Subdivision (common driveway) bond in the amount of $5,500, as outlined on Attachment B.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Selectman Bojnowski moved to approve a six month extension for two driveway bonds as outlined on Attachment B.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Resolution for Small Cities – Meadowbrook Terrace Mobile Home Park
L. Wagner & Associates, Inc. is applying, on behalf of the Town, for a Small Cities Community Block Grant in the amount of $400,000 in order to extend the sewer line to the Meadowbrook Terrace Mobile Home Park.  Copies of the Financial Impact of this project were distributed (Attachment C).
        Selectman Brimmer moved Resolution as outlined on Attachment D.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

DEBT SERVICE:  Selectman Bojnowski moved to transfer FROM Account 01580-2002 Debt Service Interest $24,540.00 TO Account 01105-2013 Non-recurring.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        This transfer is to cover the hiring of a consultant to review the Town’s communication system and bring the system replacement through the bid stage.  The money for debt service was not needed during this fiscal year since the project was not able to move forward.

UNEMPLOYMENT:  Selectman Brimmer moved to transfer FROM Account 01570-2000 Contingency $3,000.00 TO Account 01240-2001 Unemployment $3,000.00.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Mr. Rosenthal advised that the Town had prevailed in an unemployment claim filed by the former Police Chief, who the courts deemed was fired for “willful misconduct” and therefore ineligible for unemployment benefits.  He then was employed at another position for a short time and laid off.  According to the laws, an employee can collect for that position and go back to former quarters worked to collect unemployment benefits, which means the Town must now fund this unemployment claim regardless of the prior prevailing in court.

Addition to Investment Policy Statement – Pension Plan
The Pension Committee  is recommending an addition to the Investment Policy Statement (See Attachment E).  
Selectman Brimmer moved to approve the proposed addition to investment policy statement (Attachment E) as amended to include “the Chairman of the Pension Committee shall then notify the trustees within a reasonable period of time”.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Appointment of Town Agent
Selectman Brimmer moved to appoint Joseph Bojnowski as Town Agent for a period of 12/1/01 to 11/30/03.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Selectman Bimmer moved reappointments as outlined on Attachment F.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Selectman Bojnowski moved to extend the Ad Hoc Open Space Task Force until November 2002.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Meeting Schedule for Budget Deliberations
It was decided to hold budget deliberation meetings on January 14, January 15, January 17 and January 22, 2002.  

Proposal for Land Purchase
Selectman Brimmer moved to enter executive session to discuss a proposal for a land purchase and to invite Finance Director and clerk to attend.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Meeting entered executive session at 9:00 pm and returned to open session at 9:15 PM.
        Selectman Brimmer moved to authorize the First Selectman to pursue the potential acquisition of property as discussed in executive session.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.

                                                        Jan Andras, Clerk

Att. A:  Road Report
Att. B:  Driveway Bond Releases/Extensions
Att. C:  Financial Impact Statement – Small Cities Grant
Att. D:  Resolution – Small Cities Grant
Att. E:  Investment Policy Statement
Att. F:  Reappointments